Friday, February 29, 2008

It's What You Do That Defines You

Hello My Dear Friends,

The past five months have been extraordinary. I have been in the Streams Ministries Canada Internship School of Ministry based in Vancouver, Canada. It has been amazing to see the truly miraculous happen within such a short time. I have learned many things about myself and about God; this is an experience worth writing about.

I arrived in Vancouver on September 12th, 2007 – three days before the other fearless interns arrived. I flew with my two best friends, Hannah and Jenn. When we arrived at the blue house, also known as the girl’s house, we saw all the familiar faces from the internship before. It was a great reunion. On September 15th, 2007, the rest of the other interns arrived. There was Josh from California, Lane and Ronny from Edmonton, Rachel from Michigan, Cameron from Victoria, Justin from Calgary, Erin from Langley, Christine from Ontario, and David from Abbotsford. Days later, Danielle from Sweden arrived. These people mentioned have become life long friends whom have helped shape me into the woman I am today. In every little way He could, God used these friends, to push my buttons, or in other words, “smooth down my rough edges”. I never knew how annoying it was to be unhappy about something and then have a happy person come into the room and sit right next to me. Sometimes I just wanted to throw a pity party for myself but I honestly couldn't with these happy people around. Also, never really being a morning person, being held captive in a bedroom full of morning people was absolute torture sometimes. To wake up and hear anyone talk was not what I wanted to do. Regardless of what I wanted, God saught Ashley to be a morning person. It is amazing how God will use people to get His message across. God is good, eh?

On the first day of the internship, Orientation, Eric Cooper, Director of Streams Canada, spoke on rebellion. At the time I had black hair, my lip pierced and was very hardcore looking. That day I had to call my mother and step father to ask for their forgiveness. I had got my lip pierced out of rebellion, and, until that day, I had been living in denial. The internship was full of these moments where I had to repent of my wrong doings.

Throughout the course of these 5 months, I had received many life changing prophecies on my life. We had a number of guests come impart to us what was on their hearts. Everything they shared was exactly what we needed to hear. At one point – when many of us interns felt like giving up and going home – a wonderful man named Tom came and told us specifically, “Don't Quit!”. Coming away from the internship, I noticed that I have gained a new found confidence, a reliance on Jesus Christ, maturity, wisdom and understanding in countless areas. It seems as though I have grown ten years in a period of five months. I am looking forward to what else God has planned for me.

After reading this, I had hoped to give those of you the confidence that what you have done for me is truly God-inspired. I want thank everyone who contributed to my tuition. Without you, I would not have been able to experience God in such a marvelous way. Please know that I am continually praying for you. Blessings to you all!

As April approaches and the next chapter of my life starts, I am in need of more support in both finances and prayer. On April 11th, 2008, Streams Ministries Canada School of Ministry will be starting their leadership training semester. This semester will equip young people, like myself, with the foundations and fundamentals for leadership. This term goes from April 11th to June 26th, 2008. I say all this to tell you that I feel this is where God is taking me. I will be in Vancouver again, learning these great principles of being a great leader. The fee for this semester is a bit different. Tuition, which includes books and materials, is $2000; room and board is $1500. The total fee is $3500; plus an additional $125 for a student visa – and whatever the cost is for a last minute plane ticket to Vancouver. All I ask is that you pray about giving. Please know that no gift is too small and all gifts are greatly appreciated. Thanks again!

Lots of Love,
Ashley Raeanne

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