Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Bucket List

I have decided it is a good idea to put together a list of things i want to do before Jesus takes me home. The list i have put together is not complete, i think as life goes on, the list will grow longer. The list is also, in no way what so ever, in order of importance, i simply thought of what i would like to do and typed it in. I do believe that by reading this
you may discover some things about me. Enjoy. :)

Go to New York City

See the statue of Liberty

Go to Times Square, see Ryan Seacrest

Go to a play on Broadway

Visit Madison Square garden

Walk past the “naked” cowboy

Go to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver Canada

Minister to many people

Go to Uganda and Visit Auntie Rita and Kristin

Go to Paris

Go to Italy

spend some time in Guatemala touring the Mayan Ruins

See the Aurora Borealis up close and personal

See my father come to know Jesus

Learn French

Learn Swedish

Go to the UK

Get Married

Have Babies :)

Cure Aids

Be on the Today Show or make my own show

Fit into a size 10

Write a book

backpack through Europe

visit the Amazon

Watch Coffee be produced

Go to China

Spread the love of Jesus EVERYWHERE

build a house

Design the house I build

take up Photography

Go to every Zoo

Visit Every State

go to the circus

have artwork display at museums

Start an affordable clothing line for the less fortunate in body size

record a song

write a song

make a difference

read the whole bible more than once

Learn to play guitar

Study Astronomy

Learn to play the drums

learn to play the piano

speak fluent spanish

own a farm with horses and a field of sunflowers

grow Calli lilies

Go to a John Mayer Concert

Be known as a follower of Jesus who loved with her whole heart and cared deeply for everyone she came in contact with.


Unknown said...

Wow, you have a great list started. I am hopeful that you will accomplish all that you set out to do. You are courageous and fearless. What an inspiration you are to me. I love you!


Nadine said...

Love your list Ashley. My prayer for is that you get to do all that is listed on it and then some.

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