Sunday, March 9, 2008

Duck Saliva On My Shoe

Today was a great way to end a week, or start of one if you'd like to think of it that way. I woke up early and had a fabulous breakfast with a great friend named Tara, before church. Church was ever so lovely, as always. After Church i was running on maybe 5 hours of sleep and incredibly hyper. Just in case you would like to know hyper; i was sliding down hand rails, sitting in the middle of the street/parking lot, running, jumping, and skipping around everywhere. I'll tell ya, i scared myself....

Tara and Hannah(my roomie) we went out to lunch, but before we actually found a place, i bought flowers for a guy. I then realized that guys + flowers...not so much. I don't understand why, but men dont like receiving flowers, i think it a role reversal thing they're not quite ready for.

Anyhoo, after we gave these flowers to this guy(which started as a crazy joke from me), we drove around trying to find a place to eat and everywhere we went, something was wrong. We finally ate at the ABC Country and it was there where we put our revelators to work. I felt as though i needed to say something to our waitress who's name happened to be Ashley. I simply encouraged her, because she was indeed doing a great job handling all those tables. I then proceeded to tell her how beautiful she was and it made her day to the point of tears. It was magnificent. Hannah then interpreted a dream she had. We left with full bellies and happy hearts....after turning down free ice cream, silly us.

After reading the title and everything previously mentioned, you're probably wondering what any of that has to do with duck saliva on my shoe. We ended up going to the bird sanctuary in Ladner. It was there where Tara and Hannah put bird seed at my feet and watched the ducks swarm, like a hungry swarm of ducks, towards my feet. That is how i received duck saliva on my shoe. Its quite gross.

1 comment:

Jesse said...

Dream interpreting at restaurants is so much fun, that's awesome that Hannah got to do that! And yeah, isn't it an odd experience being surrounded by birdz? They're aggressive little buggers out here!